Ultrasonic Dental Cleaning

In the past, dental cleaning usually meant hand scaling using a sharp, pointy instrument to scrape away dental tartar from around your teeth and gums. This process took time and patience for both the patient and the hygienist. That is why we have invested in technology that quickly and comfortably removes the dental plaque. A tartar ultrasonic cleaning device is used to vibrate the tooth and surrounding gums to remove dental plaque, dental tartar and endotoxins (bacteria that contribute to bone loss). This device not only takes less time than traditional hand scaling it also removes more dental plaque and tartar. Once the irritants have been removed the ultrasonic scaler flushes them away with water. This process in conjunction with traditional procedures ensures you have a cleaner, healthier mouth.
Call us today for an appointment and let us prove to you how much cleaner and healthier your teeth will be with an ultrasonic dental cleaning.